Jasmine Moreton

Consultant Artist Technician Installation Social Engagement Other Moving Image


Profile FAQ
  • Equalities and Diversity
  • Funding applications
  • Moving image
  • Socially engaged
  • Print making
  • Drawing
  • Other

I have a changing art practice, my medium depends on the context and concept of the work.

  • Children
  • Young people
  • None of the above
I am very experienced in this
I have some experience
I am very experienced in this
I don't do this
I have some experience
I have some experience
I have some experience
I have some experience
I have some experience
Completed Coventry University's Art Technician Bootcamp in 2023, have worked as a technician at IKON Gallery, Birmingham, Walsall New Art Gallery, and Compton Verney (Warwickshire).
As a junior technician, my base rate is £12.50/hour.

The Artspace Exchange was developed with funding and support from: