Free Hartley - Jessica Timmis Open Studio

Mary Hartley Fitch, Jessica6 and Jessica Timmis cordially invite you to an evening of Art, Performance, Film and Feasting


To help us manage numbers in the studio, we have provided tickets on Eventbrite for different time slots during the evening. This is a relaxed scheduling so please use the link provided and just select the time that you think you're most likely to come along. There will also be another room of drinks and snacks and additional work to view for anyone who would like to arrive earlier or stay later than their time slot.

Artist Jessica Timmis has completed a 2 month residency at Coventry Artspace, funded by Art Friends Warwickshire. Drawing from her own experiences she has used the opportunity to develop her practice through a creative exploration of complexities within the maternal relationship. At this open studio she will be sharing work on this theme through the characters Mary Hartley Fitch found in Iris Murdoch's novel, The Sea, The Sea, and Jessica6 of Logan's Run, the American TV Series inspired by the play of the same name by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson.

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Coventry Artspace

Consultant Service Provider Owner of artist space for hire/use Staff Member Organisation

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